June 2024
The ECTA Annual Conference which took place from June 19 to 21, 2024, was another resounding success, with professionals from diverse cultures and professional backgrounds in attendance, including Andreea Bende and Zsófia Halmágyi.
In its 42nd edition, the event was structured on the theme “Many Facets of IP,” with a significant emphasis on sustainability for a better future, adding an essential dimension to the entire agenda of the meeting. The conference provided a platform for insightful discussions on a range of topics. Highlights reported by our colleagues include:
- a thought-provoking session on green claims in trademarks and unfair competition
- insights into the challenges faced by brands in the food industry
- discussions on copyright appropriation in the fashion industry
- updates on the latest news and developments about ECJ Case Law, ensuring the community remained well-informed about the most recent legal developments.
In brief, this year’s conference was an invaluable opportunity for learning, networking, and further expanding the path for trends shaping the fantastic world of intellectual property knowledge surrounding us.
If you are interested in detailing any of the topics above and more, please contact Andreea and Zsófia directly.
To learn more about ECTA please visit their website HERE.
To raise awareness on intellectual property aspects and to help companies understand the relevant concepts, risks and benefit connected to such, BACIU PARTNERS professional constantly attend some of the most insightful events, true platforms for ideas sharing, or contribute expert views on complex or hot topics.
More details on BACIU PARTNERS award-winning Intellectual Property practice are available HERE.